The dogs are back from camp/college, it seems like they were gone a long time, but it was only one extra day. Both dogs graduated, with...
Short One
I regret to say this is going to be a short story today. It is not because I have nothing to say, it is because I am having technical...
Summer Camp
We sent the puppies/dogs to camp this week. One of them saw an ad on their social media page regarding doggie classes. They asked...
Fifty Years (or so) of Valentine's
Valentine’s Day. I think I have celebrated, fifty or so Valentine’s Days, all with the very same Valentine. Some of you might disagree...
Super Bowl Sunday
Super Bowl Sunday! This day is almost a holiday in our house. Not for me, just for Elaine. Personally, I don’t have a dog in the fight...
The February 2nd Funk
I’m a little depressed and with good reason. I got up this morning let the dogs out, sat down turned on the television to a news...
Winter's Here
As the title implies, winter is here and I’m not very happy about it. It’s not winter’s fault; winter comes every year and we should...
New Neighbor
I met a “new” neighbor this past week. I didn’t really meet her, but she did come to our front door this past Tuesday morning before I...
Elaine's retirement
After some thirty—some years in the business, Elaine is close to determining a retirement date. The exact date isn’t known she has...
It is the year 2025. If you are reading this you made it. So, Happy New Year. Last year wasn’t the greatest of years but it’s over. We...