Memorial Day Weekend Again.
As my title suggests it's Memorial Day Weekend again. For most of America, Memorial Day Weekend is a time of fun. Me? I dislike...
Time, Money, or Help
It's spring!! Now the work starts. My health concerns over the last eighteen(+) months caused the work around here. You might not have...
Mother's Lessons
Happy Mother's Day. I lost my mother to cancer in 1987. Seldom is the day I don't think about her. I was the middle child of five boys. ...
Retired, Maybe not
Elaine and I officially entered our golden years in the last two months. At the suggestion of some of our friends (Yes, Elaine has...
Finish the Story
I was told last week in the comments of these stories that I ended the Girl Twin car buying story a little early. Well, here is the...
Spent the Day
I did something this past week that I don't like doing. I went car shopping. But you know what? It was one of the best times I've had...
Boy Twin and Television
First things first. I would like to thank you for allowing me a day off last weekend. Our family had a great weekend, and I hope you...
Not Today
I feel it might be highly inappropriate to tell a story that may or may not contain (construction language) on this holy day. Take the...
Time Moves On
No one is playing football currently unless you count that league of has-beens and never-been that play sometime during the week. Elaine...
Two Names
I was given a name at birth that I will answer to. I will also answer to a name I was given in my forties. I have always wondered about...