Impressed the Doc and an Airplane
Sorry, I feel like I’m running a little late this morning. I’ve been chopping up veggies, and preparing for dinner tonight. Elaine got...
Milestone Appointments and Aquariums
Yippie! I have reached a milestone. It has been three months since I had back surgery. Monday, I will go to the doctor for a follow-up...
Better Almost Every Day
I guess I’m on the mend. I know this because my love/life partner of almost fifty years tells me at least twelve times each day, “Well,...
Writing these stories is getting hard. It was my intent to write humorous stories about yarn. (There is nothing funny about yarn.), so...
What Day is it?
So I woke up from my daily afternoon nap only to realize today is Mumbling day and I didn't write anything. For those of you that are...
Almost Back
I don’t know where to start. These stories were supposed to be about a yarn store in northern Colorado, the family that owns it, and the...
Nothing to report
Well, not much happened this past week. I sat, stood, lay, and walked (a little) waiting for the meds I'm on to get me ready for one...
Fasting and a New Career
Well, I’ve decided if I was going to write stories every week I would write about my new unintentional career. We can get to that in a...
Surgery, Clots, and India
Years ago, when Monner’s Mumbings hit the internet, its purpose was to tell cute stories about yarn, a yarn store, and make people not...
I can walk!
Well, these stories have taken a wildly different course this past year and so far, I’m not sure this year is any better. For the last...