"I can't wait for you to see them. They look like a couple of cute greyhounds" " Did you say greyhounds?" Last spring lovely Elaine...
You Can't Lift That
The summer appears to be over. I wish I could go back in time. The back issues that I have "enjoyed" have sneaked its way into the fall....
My mother didn't name me Monner. I don't think she ever even heard or said the word. If one would look up the word Monner in the...
Back Surgery
It has been nine days since my back surgery. So far, it seems to have been successful.. At least that's what Elaine tells me. I have a...
Gonna Keep it Short
I want to thank everyone for their kind words and for pressing the like button on social media. Truthfully, Considering my family...
Unfinished Business
I was raised in a middle-class family in a neighborhood where people were proud of their lawns. Oh sorry. that is not the unfinished...
She Cried
Elaine and I are dog people. No, we don't identify as dogs, we just like dogs. But just to be safe I will tell you should you and I get...
2nd Best Day
It's finally here. The 2nd best day of the year. Not for me, just Elaine. If it were up to me I don't know if today is even in my top...
Labor Day
Well, looks like we all made it, to the unofficial end of summer 2024. I know this because I watched the trucks pulling camping trailers...
The Story Goes On and Goose Showing Promise
If you follow my stories you might be wondering what ever happened with my back problem. Well, I took a step in what has become a long...