Sweaty Sweaters
We will talk about the store in a few minutes. We have some Christmas stuff going on, none of which I'm a part of, so I'm going to talk...
Two Rules Broken
I broke a couple of my rules this week I feel terrible for having done so. I try to practice what I preach. I have never bought...
The Turkey Trot and Wrestling
The holiday season has begun. I hope the season brings you great joy and a sense of togetherness. My holiday season has started out with...
No One Wants to Do!
I woke up this morning (with the help of a Great Pyrenees named Maggie.) RELAX! I’m not going to tell a story about the dog waking me up...
I'm Awake!
Well, I might as well write a story. I’m up anyway. My return to construction is making me wish my foot would have taken longer to heal....
It is almost here!
Fall back! Not at this house. Maggie (the Great Pyrenees) didn’t get the message. Maggie decided to wake me up early. At like 3:00AM...
Don and Dan and a Singer
OK, quickly now! My foot is fine. I no longer need bandages, anti-biotic ointments or a wooden soled shoe. My podiatrist gave...
Twenty Years
If you are reading today hoping for an update on my foot, thank you. Unfortunately, I don’t have much to report. As my foot continues...
ID Doctors and A Fake Baby
Here we go again. Monner’s foot saga is not over. (I just started talking about myself in third-person. I’ll stop.) We will get to the...
A Wooden Shoe and Clumper
Of course, we’re all wondering how my foot is doing. Well, it is getting better. I will see the infectious disease doc, Tuesday, with...