Sunday Brunch
I've got to hurry and write my story this morning. I have promised to take the family out for pre-holiday brunch. Can you imagine...
Turkey Trotting as a Family
The twins are getting to the age where being with their parents is becoming less and less important. So, when the twins and Ivy have...
Eight Thanksgivings
November is here; 2017 is rapidly coming to a close. Your Daily Fiber is celebrating its eighth year in business. Stop by and...
School Sports
I have struggled with the school system with my second batch of kids. Not so much with the educational part of the school system; I'm...
Standard Time and 10:00 PM
Looks like it's going to be a gloomy day. It's snowing at our house. Elaine wants to go for a car ride later today. From the looks of...
Dye Pots and Three Firemen
It was a lively week at YOUR DAILY FIBER this past week. I started dyeing the yarns that Ivy had shipped to the store. Without getting...
Spam, Mac and Cheese, Slow Dancing and Grounded
It has been a wild couple of weeks at Your Daily Fiber. I haven’t told you because, well, I didn’t see a reason to get Ivy all fired up....
A Different Birthday Suit and Dancing
This past week was one of those times that made me realize I might be passing from middle age to my golden years. Our second batch of...
Love Hurts
Ivy has decreed that I write about the store this week. She has become more aggressive in her management style. Ivy has made it clear...
Senior Class Pictures and Invites to Homecoming
Life has slowed down a bit, at least for me. The twins’ are busy getting ready for the Homecoming dance. Boy Twin is busy trying to keep...