I worked in the store yesterday. It was Saturday and I did my Saturday chores, plus a couple more. But I don’t want to talk about that....
It’s Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day. I’m not sure any fathers actually read these stories, but on the outside chance that one might, Happy Father’s Day....
Cleaning the Trailer, the Laptop Cord, and Favorite Fingers
I woke up this morning thinking I was going to write a story just like every other Sunday morning. It didn’t happen. Oh, I wanted to...
Lost Smart Phone and a Broken Thumb
Summer has finally arrived in Northern Colorado. The kids are out of school. The twins are playing youth baseball, and yes, I am...
Last Week of School/Memorial Day
I’m glad this past week is over. It was the twin’s last week of seventh grade. Of course, it wasn’t really the last week of seventh...
900 Centimeters
It is time for a construction story. I have been building a new house for a great young couple. This couple have been living in a...
The Store, Kansas and California
It is springtime in the store. It’s not spring here on the mountain. On the mountain it is 30 degrees and rain/drizzle/sleeting. I...
I Had a Dream
I’m sure you’ve been asked the question on social media or in real life, “If you could have lunch with anyone, living or dead, who would...
Monner and the State Patrol
I know it’s Mother’s Day and I usually write something “beautiful” for Mother’s Day. Elaine’s words, not mine. But today I am not writing...
Art Linkletter and Me
If you are as old as I am, you might remember an old black and white television show call “Kids say the darndest things.” The host was a...