Elaine’s Anniversary and Dating
Our family “celebrated” an anniversary this week. Elaine started drawing electric power poles twenty-seven years ago this past week. ...
Macaroni and Cheese, a Necklace and Bronco Hats!
I had big plans last Sunday. While the rest of Colorado was watching the football games, I thought it would be fun to take the family to...
Shoes, Shoes and Selfies
I have a couple things to discuss, so let’s get to it. The twins are both back in school sponsored sports this month. Boy Twin is...
Girl Twin and the Magic Beans
It is difficult preparing meals in our house. The twins are very picky eaters and they are not picky about the same things. Elaine will...
Boxing and the Necklace
Occasionally I need to tell a story before I tell the real story. Today is one of those times. Elaine’s father was a man. I know, you...
The Very Good Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone. It is time to tell a Christmas story. For those of you who have wondered, Elaine and I are not the biological...
My friend Joe
Joe was the new kid in the neighborhood. His family came from New Jersey. Joe’s family moved to a new house on my paper route. I...
The Christmas Dance
The Christmas middle school dance took place Friday night. I know we aren’t supposed to call things like school dances the “Christmas”...
Bullies and Wasteoftimebook
The alarm went off this morning, Not Elaine’s noisy buzzing alarm. No, it was my all natural alarm. At 6:11 AM I felt my alarm tugging...
Thanksgiving and Tree cutting
I’m trying to decided if this was a great Thanksgiving or just a good one. I’m leaning towards it was a great Thanksgiving, but I’m not...