Christmas, Dancing and Yoga
Thanksgiving is over and the Christmas season is on the way. I hope your holiday was exactly what you wanted it to be. Our family had a...
Happy Thanksgiving from Your Daily Fiber
Wow, its Thanksgiving Day again. It seems like the time between Thanksgiving Day is getting shorter and shorter. The Sipes family has...
What the (construction language) is Whelp?
Wow, this moving thing is rough. Not the actual moving of the stuff, that’s easy compared to what can happen next. Getting your...
Another Story
Why didn’t anyone tell me winter was coming? I have a lot of work to do to prepare for cold weather. Living on this mini-ranch comes...
Moving Day
I promised to tell you the story of moving our store to its new location. Before I get into that I probably should mention a couple...
Rumor Control
The decision to move the world headquarters of Your Daily Fiber to the charming old house was an easy one. Wait a minute, it wasn’t easy...
Worth the Wait?
I know, I know! I haven’t written in a long time. Sometimes “our crazy lives” are more crazy than not. Since I have last written, I...
I’m Back
If you thought I had finally ran out of stories you might have miscalculated. I had to take a short sabbatical from writing about “our...
A Trip to the Grocery Store
The best part about being a senior citizen is clicking things off my bucket list. I clicked one off this past week. I used the...
The Benefits of Cross-Country
I love this cross-country stuff! I’m getting benefits I didn’t know I could get. This twins had their second meet of the year last week....