2013 isn’t off to a bang!
So far I’m not that impressed with 2013. It doesn’t have much to do with the actual year, more like what is happening in the new year. I...
Thread Bare Carpet
It’s been almost ten years since we moved to this “ranch”. If you are thinking of a big cattle ranch with thousands of acres and...
The Beautiful Full Moon
I hope all of you get to experience a full moon reflecting off the snow covered mountains of northern Colorado. Put it on your bucket...
Christmas and the Queen
Regardless of what you have heard, we don’t have “white” Christmas’ on the northern front range of Colorado, except for last night. I...
Wear Anything You Want
OK, I will admit it. I’m not your average livestock owning senior citizen. I didn’t realize it at first, but as I look around I don’t...
Green eggs and a fox.
Ivy picked the breed of chickens she, the twins, and oh yeah, and Elaine were going to raise by the color of eggs the chickens would...
Monner, Store Manager
Even though what brings us together for these stories is a yarn shop, I know very little about fiber arts. I can’t knit, crochet, spin...
The Quarterback, His Trailer and a Bunch of Ladies
Your Daily Fiber has moved to a new location. This is not a story of why we decided to move the store. This is a story about moving the...
Two Screams; One Good……One Not So Good
Living in this valley a person can enjoy a quiet that cannot be duplicated in an urban setting. The quiet is not always as nice as it...
One New Llama, One New Band-aid
I have one more animal story. At least for now. Our lives in the fiber world have introduced Elaine and I to a whole bunch like minded...