Lizzie Sitting
I'm going to try to get back to my Sunday routine, but honestly, it feels like I just wrote a story for Monner's Mumblings. And truth be...
As Promised
Okay, I promised to tell a story when I got back from Salida and could use a keyboard I was familiar with. Well, I'm back. First, I...
Is this the last one?
Elain Ed I are in Salida, Colorado. If you follow these stories, then you already know the reason why. We are at the Salida Fiber Arts...
Labor Day
I don't understand Labor Day. A holiday to celebrate labor? Really? Are we getting a day off to thank ourselves for another year's...
Elaine's Friend
Two weeks ago, I wrote that it was Elaine and my wedding anniversary. I didn't write much about the planned and unplanned celebration of...
Three Questions
Looking back to when Your Daily Fiber was a brick-and-store we were asked many questions. I think the most common question asked, "Is a...
It was a hot summer night exactly forty-seven years ago today. Elaine was wearing a dress that is hanging in the basement. I was in...
It was another bad week here at Dream Believers Ranch (Home of Your Daily Fiber. There, I have met my obligation to talk about fiber.) ...
Forgive me for being a little indecisive this morning about my story. I've had a bad week. Not only did Lizzie, our 13-year-old Great...
I've known for a few months that I would be writing this story. It is a story not about yarn or knitting, but it does have llamas. It...