I talked to my neighbors this past week. Two of them! That may not be unusual to you city folk, but it was almost amazing to me. ...
Lizzie Sitting
I'm going to try to get back to my Sunday routine, but honestly, it feels like I just wrote a story for Monner's Mumblings. And truth be...
As Promised
Okay, I promised to tell a story when I got back from Salida and could use a keyboard I was familiar with. Well, I'm back. First, I...
Is this the last one?
Elain Ed I are in Salida, Colorado. If you follow these stories, then you already know the reason why. We are at the Salida Fiber Arts...
Labor Day
I don't understand Labor Day. A holiday to celebrate labor? Really? Are we getting a day off to thank ourselves for another year's...
Elaine's Friend
Two weeks ago, I wrote that it was Elaine and my wedding anniversary. I didn't write much about the planned and unplanned celebration of...
Three Questions
Looking back to when Your Daily Fiber was a brick-and-store we were asked many questions. I think the most common question asked, "Is a...
It was a hot summer night exactly forty-seven years ago today. Elaine was wearing a dress that is hanging in the basement. I was in...
It was another bad week here at Dream Believers Ranch (Home of Your Daily Fiber. There, I have met my obligation to talk about fiber.) ...
Forgive me for being a little indecisive this morning about my story. I've had a bad week. Not only did Lizzie, our 13-year-old Great...