Art and Wine
When the school called inviting our family to an awards ceremony Thursday night to honor one of the twins for their artwork, it wasn’t much of a surprise. The school district picks one piece of art from each school in the district to hang for one year in the school board chambers.
As I have mentioned before, Girl twin is very artistic. Elaine and Ivy can draw, so I assume the talent came from them. Given the opportunity, she will bring out a pencil or crayon to sketch a drawing of the animal du jour. Birthday and Christmas gifts always include something to draw with.
Boy Twin doesn’t enjoy art as much as Girl Twin. He’s more of an adventurer/engineer. He’s more likely to take something apart and reassemble it than try to draw it. Maybe it is a boy thing.
So, all things considered, imagine our surprise when the school told us the award was won by, yep, Boy Twin. Who would have figured that? He painted a polar bear walking on the horizon, using oil paints. We are pretty proud. He wasn’t crazy about going up on stage to receive his award and shake hands with the superintendent of schools. His school principal had to talk him into it. Who knows, maybe this will inspire him.
It was a big week for Ivy, also. Ivy spent the week shipping out her wine glasses. The spot in Knitscene really boosted sales. Ivy has been promoted to operation manager and head shipper. Much to her dismay the promotion does not come with a raise but she gets to work an extra hour each day. I might need to get her a “Boss” mug!
Our crazy lives!