Happy Thanksgiving from Your Daily Fiber
Wow, its Thanksgiving Day again. It seems like the time between Thanksgiving Day is getting shorter and shorter.
The Sipes family has plenty to be thankful for, First, on their behalf I would like to thank our customers. This Thanksgiving Day coincides with the Your Daily Fiber (brick and mortar) five year anniversary. Our customers are responsible for our celebration. Thanks for keeping us going for five years! Without your support for the last five years we would have quit. I know it is hard to believe, but not every day was fun.
I should take this time to thank Elaine and Ivy (and the twins). No one worked harder to keep the dream alive for five years.
A special thanks to Ivy. Thanks for taking over at Your Daily Fiber and bringing your skills with you. Thanks for your business ideas, your knitting skills, and putting up with your parents/partners and their quirks. Most of all thanks for two skeins of yarn, (Ivy can tell you about that one.)
Thanks Elaine, for realizing you can work in both of your careers and have fun in both. Thanks for being the voice of reason when Ivy and I take separate paths. Thanks for spreading your knowledge to the kids. Without people getting the kids involved, the fiber arts will die.
I would like to thank Mother Nature. Without Flood Monner (which was actually last year) I would not have remodeled our house making the changes that makes the house better for our family. I remember the old saying; “When God gives you a flood, remodel your basement”. I think that was an old saying. Maybe I just dreamed that.
I need to thank the twins. Without their new found interest in baseball, I would not be coaching again. I think I have about twenty years to coach a World Series winner before I need to find another dream. I’m thinking maybe President, or yarn store owner, something like that. Dream big!
I need to thank you guys for reading this crap. I love having laughed (and sometimes cried) with all of you guys. Thank you.
I hope you guys are with people you enjoy doing thing that make you happy. Enjoy your Thanksgiving Day!
Our crazy lives!