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I Didn't Know

It's already Sunday. I don't feel like I accomplished much this past week. I picked up an embarrassing piece of knowledge that took sixty-plus years to learn. I've been wearing my shoes wrong. Not all shoes, just the ones I wear most.

I'd like to give an update on the puppies and yaks before I talk about shoes. The yaks hate the puppies! It's that simple. I can't fault the yaks for that. You see, yaks desire a quiet docile life. They can get angry and aggressive but it is not how they want to spend the day. A perfect day for a yak is grazing in a pasture of tall grass, followed by a nap in the barn or in the shade of a tree. As a yak rancher, it is my responsibility to see that the yaks have that perfect day.

The puppies have a slightly different idea of a perfect day for the yaks. They want to bark at the yaks until the yaks have had enough barking and chase the puppies out of the corral and/or pasture. The puppies delight in the game, the yaks not so much. A perfect day for the puppies is, to bark at the yaks, chase each other, get a drink of water, and take a nap, then repeat.

That's the animal update, now for the shoes. It is widely known that I have several pairs of lightweight plastic shoes named for a large reptile. I have the original large Reptile brand shoes, it is also known I have several pairs of cheaper department store brands, One of my children insists I buy the originals because of the accessories you can get for them. She has spurs on her reptile brand, I have lights. The lights are handy for nighttime walking.

Last week I received a call from a friend. Yes, I have a friend, and he calls me.

Friend: Hey, do you still wear Reptile shoes?

Me: Yes

Friend: Do you wear them in "sport" or chillin'" mode?

Me: What are we talking about?

Friend: I'm working for Reptile USA. I collect data from surveys.

Me: Do you remember you grow bananas in Puerto Rico? (I was concerned he was starting to slip a little mentally)

Friend: I'm double dipping a little bit. Well, "sport" or chillin'"?

Me: I don't know what we're talking about.

Friend: You know, that strap on the top of the shoe, do you wear it in the sport" position, or the "chillin'" position?

Me: I'm lost, what are we talking about?

Friend: When you are active, you put the strap behind your heel. That is "sport" mode. When you are just

lounging around the strap sits on top of the shoe. That's 'chillin'".

Me: (No words)

Friend: Are you there?

Me: I'm doing it wrong. I didn't know that "sport", "chillin'" thing. I just didn't know. I shouldn't be allowed to wear them.

Friend: For answering the survey, I can send you a new pair.

Me: I like the bright yellow ones. Can you ship some bananas also?

I thought I knew everything about lightweight, plastic shoes. I guess we're never too old to learn.

God Bless, Love ya, Buy yarn, get free shoes

Our crazy lives!



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