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Math, Science or History

I’ve always thought history was the most important subject taught in schools. Math has become obsolete.

Teach any three-year-old to press the correct keys on their” smart” phone that was given to them, seemingly at birth, they can get the answer to any math problem; without even knowing how.

Science is and has always been ever-changing and usually wrong. Oh, come on, the scientists centuries ago thought the world was flat. Obviously wrong! In my junior high school years, we were taught to prepare for the next “ice age”. Before I could obtain enough down-filled clothing to survive the coming of an “ice age”, we are now told by scientists we should trade in our parkas and wool (hand-knit) socks for Speed-o’s and string bikinis.

Considering the head scientist is a teenaged northern European, who may or may not look appropriate, scantily dressed waiting and hoping for the impending “oven age”. People my age are rooting for “ice”. Personally, I think her parents should have introduced her to something like “Candy Crush” on her cell phone; and then we wouldn’t hear from her every time she gets near a sailboat.

I will get to yarn in a minute, I promise.

History is important, period. If history is not taught, even if it comes from “smart” phones, we will surely repeat it, good or bad. Here’s my proof, which coincidentally will contain yarn and science.

It seems like a century ago, a part-time animal scientist, full-time electrical designer, and knitter was teaching her loving, caring husband (sounds like Monner, doesn’t it) the differences of animal fibers. In a nutshell, the lesson was why some wools itch, the diameter of a single strand of animal hair, and the length of animal fibers. As you can imagine, the loving, caring husband, who may or may not have been Monner, listened with all the attention he could muster.

But something happened with that and the following conversations. Those conversations were the start of Your Daily Fiber. Oh, the road was/is long and some history buffs would say it was interesting. Your Daily Fiber was originally called “A Simple Piece of String”. While it was called a “Simple Piece of String” it was a partnership between two families which happened to be neighbors.

A Simple Piece of String sold animal fiber yarns at trade shows, and yard sales. Somehow it became a distributor of spinning wheels and equipment from Europe. Not the same place in Europe that birthed the teen-aged head scientist, but somewhere close.

As history tells us partnerships fail. A Simple Piece of String dissolved and Your Daily Fiber was born. Please don’t let this historical event make you sad. History shows it worked out pretty well.

I feel at this time I must bring full disclosure to the story. The part-time animal scientist, full-time electrical designer, and knitter is Elaine or Grandma to some. The loving, caring husband is Monner or me. (You already knew that, didn’t you. The loving, caring part gave it away.)

Elaine continued to take Your Daily Fiber to trade shows. Her ever-loving caring husband was dragged along (not screaming) to carry heavy things, set up booths, eventually talk to potential customers, and then take Elaine to dinner at the end of each night.

Monner, always thinking began to wonder why we would set up at trade shows. Why not get a brick-and-mortar location and have customers come to Your Daily Fiber? I’m not one to boast, but the idea was brilliant.

No good story is without science. As with all science, it is ever-changing. A virus closed our brick and mortar. Not a “smart” phone virus, but a real human beervirus. We can discuss whether the store was closed by science or political science, but Elaine starts using (construction language) at me when I bring it up. I just feel our governor made some mistakes. There, I said it anyway.

Ok, more history. While the brick-and-mortar location was closed, Elaine started thinking about the good old days. Watching me carry heavy things, setting up booths, talking to potential customers, and going out to dinner. She remembered the different restaurants in the different towns. History was/is about to repeat itself.

Thankfully, I have never had back pain, which is something science has never been able to explain. Elaine has invited he sister into the world of trade shows, so it will be different this time. Did I mention the twins have told Elaine they would like to go to a trade show or two? That will be a historical change because they just complained before. However, when they were six they did participate in spinning yarn on spinning wheel competitions, and we have photos to prove it; when they try to deny it.

Your Daily Fiber will be coming to a town near you. Of course, you can always shop online if you can’t wait.

Speaking of my brilliant ideas, the Wild West Knitting Retreat is on this year. No more beervirus cancellations for the retreat. It has been changed a little, new location, new classes, new food, and Ol’ Monner carrying heavy stuff.

Buy yarn!

Our crazy lives!




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