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Movie Night

I'm not a big movie fan. Let me rephrase that. I'm not a fan of going to the movies.

Recently, I overheard my children talking about getting a beer at the movie theater. (They are over twenty-one). It was none of my business, but I said, "How do you drink beer in the movie theatre?"

Kid: They sell beer at some theatres, and wine, too. And burgers.

Me: I've heard they have recliners.

Kid: Yes, Pops, they have recliners.

Me: If I had a bucket list, I would put going to the movies and sitting in a recliner on the list. (I wouldn't need beer or wine but a burger might be intriguing.

Kid: You have a birthday coming up, let me take you to a movie.

Me: I don't know, what would we see?

Kid: They have a new sequel to the movie Twister you would like.

Me; I love Helen Hunt (For clarification not as much as Elaine)

Kid: Well great, she's not in it.

Me: I guess we can go anyway.

I was learning a lot. Did you know you can get movie tickets using your phone? With assigned seating? These kids know everything. She bought tickets right there in our house on her phone.

This conversation caused me to recollect. I had not been in a theatre since 2006. I know this because I used that Boogle thing and looked up the movie. It seemed to me that movies were not being made for me any longer. I had decided to keep my money and sit in my recliner. Movies plots were just something I wasn't interested in. Kid wizards, possessed girls vomiting on priests, robots, Sci-Fi., I just am not interested. However, I do like talking tow-trucks with big eyes and teeth.

In 2006 they made a movie about a talking tow-truck. Truth be told I most likely wouldn't have went to the theatre to watch it, if not for certain circumstances. I happened to be working in Rock Springs, Wyoming building the second free-standing coffee shop in the state. You know the one, the one from Seattle that are always in the news. I have drank their coffee, but I go out of my way not to.

I have a great story about building a Seattle coffee in Rock Springs for another time. Oh, I'll just tell it now.

Rock Springs is located in southern Wyoming. As far as Wyoming cities go, it is one of the larger cities. At the time Rock Springs needed a coffee shop to combat the saloons, beer joints, and restaurants. Not to be disrespectful but if God were to apply deodorant to the world he would start in Rock Springs (My humble opinion)

I would leave my home every Monday morning for Rock Springs, work on the Seattle coffee building and return home every Friday evening. One week I invited my children to accompany me for the week. I thought it might be fun for them to swim in my motel's pool and maybe we could even see a movie in the theatre.

Karma was in my favor, the local theatre was showing a movie about a talking tow-truck. Who knew? We all loved that movie, I still do.

Let me finish the building story. Three days before the opening of the store a Seattle coffee rep and my supervisor came to me.

Supervisor: Seattle coffee does not like the appearance of the sidewalks around the store.

Me: OK, what do you want me to do?

Super: Tell the contractor to tear them out and replace them.

Me: You and Seattle coffee need to go around Rock Springs and look at sidewalks. These sidewalks are functional and flat and not that bad looking. If you want them torn out and replaced it will take another three weeks.

Super: Tell them they have three days.

Me: You tell them.

Super: If I need to tell them I don't need you.

Me: Exactly!

I was wearing a shirt with the name of the company I was working for. I ripped the shirt off and threw it at the supervisor.

Super: You can keep the shirt.

Me What the (construction language) would I want or need this shirt for?

I drove back to Colorado bare-chested giggling all the way. None of this story means anything about going to the movies.

My dislike of movie theatre has another construction tie in. I was remodeling a fast-food restaurant in Louisiana. The restaurant was to remain open and construction work was to happen at night.

I was staying in a motel, sleeping in the daytime. Sleeping in the can be difficult. Kids screaming at the pool. Maids talking and slamming things into the walls of the hall. I found myself going to matinees to sleep. It was loud but it was dark. I remember sleeping through Conan the Barbarian. I love Wilt Chamberlain, still do.

Sleeping in the theatre set a precedent for me. I couldn't stop. Years ago, Ivy read about about a young boy who rides a broom and has special powers. When they made a movie about the boy she insisted Elaine and I attend the movie with her. We sat in the first row and I tried to watch the movie. Admittedly, not very hard. We had to look straight up at the screen, it was loud. I don't know how but I was able to sleep. People tell me they made about a hundred more more movies about that kid. Haven't seen any of them. I slept pretty good through the first and missed out on the chance to sleep through the rest.

I sat in a assigned seating recliner at the Helen Hunt-less Twister movie. I had a soda and popcorn. I stayed awake. I had a great time with Ivy. If if hadn't been for the flat tire on the way into town to watch the movie it would have been perfect. I wonder if Ivy forgives me for sleeping through that flying kid crap.

God Bless you guys, Love ya, Thank you for your time. Keep knitting.

Our crazy lives!




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