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Puppies attack Reptile

I've had a bad week. Sadly for me, it looks like the week is continuing right through today and, it went from bad to terrible.

First, my back is killing me. I thought my back problem was working itself out because it seemed to be getting better. HA! When walking is a challenge and a big challenge, that qualifies for a bad week. One good thing is, I was able to get the MRI that the surgeon required before he would schedule anything further. I meet with him this week.

One of my kids came to me this week wanting to tell me of ONE of his plans. We'll call him Boy Twin.

Boy Twin: Hey Monner, I'm thinking about buying some rental property

Me: That's fantastic.

That doesn't sound like a bad week. Well here's the next conversation I had with him.

Boy Twin: Hey Monner, I think I'm going to buy a motorcycle.

Me: What about the rental property?

Boy Twin: Ted (roommate) and I decided to take riding lessons and buy motorcycles.

Me: Have you ever driven a motorcycle?

Boy Twin: Not really, that's why we are going to take a class and get our licenses

Me: What kind of bike?

Boy Twin: I haven't decided, a Harley or a crotch rocket.

Me: Are you going to wear a helmet?

Boy Twin: I have already picked it out. Best helmet made, $700.

A couple of days later he called me. " I bought my bike. I didn't get a bike as big as Ted's. Do you want to guess how fast I have gone so far?" Now that's a bad week!

Yesterday, Elaine and I had the opportunity to spend sometime with some high-school friends. With Elaine working full time drawing powerpoles she doesn't spend much time socializing. But if things go right, in the next five years the engineers and construction guys will complete the powerline from Delores, Colorado to Ouray, Colorado, allowing Mr. Musk to sell more cars in Southwest Colorado. I don't know why I added that. It has nothing to do with my bad week. Has anyone noticed I might have a focus problem?

Many times Elaine and I have left the house together for short periods since we brought the puppies into our house. We have left the puppies alone in the house without problems. Something went awry yesterday. While Elaine and I were in town yesterday, the puppies attacked my reptile shoes. It wouldn't be the end of the world, as I have quite a few pairs (5) The puppies attacked and killed my blue and white camo everyday pair. I have my suspicions that they worked in tandem killing the shoes, but it could have been just one of them. I will need to wear another pair until I can get to Wally's World. Still, that adds to my bad week.

At 5:28 this morning the puppies were crying and wanted outside. I got out of bed and into my green reptile shoes. The one Girl Twin had decorated with Jibbetz (look them up) I have always reserved these shoes for Sundays, funerals, and weddings.

After bringing the puppies back to the house, I fell asleep in a recliner. The puppies got one of my green Sunday, funeral, wedding reptile shoes and killed it. I'm devastated. What if someone dies? What if I need to attend a wedding? I need to get to Wally's World. I'm running out of reptile shoes.

God Bless you guys, Love ya, knit, crochet, and spin

Our crazy lives!




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