Stick a Fork in It
Stick a fork in it, it’s done. (Of course, we reserve the right to do it again.) The Your Daily Fiber store at 4019 S. Mason is officially closed. I would like to thank you guys for all the support. Actually, “we” would like to thank you guys for all the support, but I’m the one writing this story, so we’re only going to talk about me. I’m saying I.
I thought about the good and the bad about closing the store. Let’s start with the bad. Packing and moving. Someone needs to lift heavy things. Go ahead; guess who that someone is. Yep, ‘Ol Monner! While Elaine and Ivy take a sabbatical from selling and teaching, I will continue to do what I’ve always done. Lifting heavy things.
That’s why I love you guys. Some of you bought our furniture and displays. I would like to think you were thinking about me, “I’m going to buy this display case so Monner doesn’t need to lift it.” Thank you! Of course, there is plenty of heavy stuff, my female employers would not sell. They kept the refrigerator.
I can’t say for sure, that we kept the refrigerator because it was the heaviest thing in the store, but it sure looks suspicious. Oh yeah, and there is a dishwasher upstairs that will need to be carried down the stairs and to the back of a truck.
A few years back, we were remodeling our kitchen and bought new appliances. Our brand new dishwasher broke and it cost more than a new dishwasher to get a repairman to drive up here and fix it. (Don’t move up here. Forget the wildfires, it’s the dishwasher repair costs that will kill you.) The big-box store will bring new appliances to your home, carry them into your home and install them, even if they are replacing something almost new. We bought a new dishwasher.
I just couldn’t throw an almost new dishwasher away. I lifted it up, carried it to the truck, and hauled it to town. It was repaired for pennies. Now I had two dishwashers. Guess what I did. I carried it up the stairs at Your Daily Fiber, its been there for a few years. Does anyone want a dishwasher?
Over the years, I have watched sometimes with sadness as the twins grew up. Somethings about them getting older are not making me sad. The twins have friends. Big, hardworking, cowboy kids with big muscles and strong backs. You know what’s really amazing, they like me. They like lifting things for me. “Ya gotta like Cowboys”
Ivy will be in charge of packing. I cannot be in charge of packing, because I don’t know anything. I would most likely pack skeins where the balls would go. We have tubs for everything. (The yarn will be stored in insect, rodent, and dust-free containers. (I wonder if other stores can say that.) I am hoping the Cowboys don’t fail me with the carrying and loading.
Ivy and I are transferring our internet, business insurance, and that necessary crap. Ivy started the conversation with our internet supplier that we would be moving and needed to transfer our account to a new address. A new address that is now not serviced by our internet provider. After an hour-long conversation, Ivy was told Your Daily Fiber would need to pay a cancellation fee of $1500 because they could not transfer service.
It was time for Monner to get involved. After an hour of phone conversation debating why it was my problem that they could not transfer service, I successfully got them to raise the fees to $1575 to cancel the service.
Two days later, the internet provider called the store and waived all fees. I’ve said it before, “In life, sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you."
After November 1st, we are going to take a small organizational break. Elaine and Ivy will have plenty to do. Elaine will be weaving and powerline-ing. (I made up that word. I had a great education, sometimes I just don’t want to use it.) Ivy is really busy. She has 10k’s, homework, and setting up the new direction of Your Daily Fiber.
Me? I’ve got to find a new hobby. I’m thinking about naps. Naps can be good. Naps, that’s the ticket.
Don’t forget about us. We appreciate every relationship we’ve established. We are going to be fine.
Our crazy lives!