Surgery, Clots, and India
Years ago, when Monner’s Mumbings hit the internet, its purpose was to tell cute stories about yarn, a yarn store, and make people not only feel good about their need to knit, I wanted them to feel good in general.
O’ Monner expanded the Mumblings to include stories about the Sipes’ family “ranch”, the twins, construction, and whatever Monner thought was timely that week. I’ve tried to keep the stories, smile-worthy if not laughable. Oh. I’ve had to tell stories about the passing of some of our favorite pet llamas and dogs that maybe put a tear on some of our faces. I’ve never liked to cry, but sometimes I need to show some emotion. I blame that on losing a child for that.
I love/loved Monner’s Mumbling days. I get up excited to tell the week’s story. I know that some of you like reading the stories as much as I like telling them. (I do wish you guys could push a button or comment to tell me you are out there.)
Last summer, in my construction career, I injured my back, and unbeknownst to me, it slowly took away my desire to laugh or maybe even smile. What started as a day pushing large concrete blocks for my employer and ending eventually with me losing the use of my legs without extreme pain due to a back injury.
Five weeks of physical therapy produced no pain relief. More pain and less use of my legs. My physical therapist team and I discussed surgery. My primary care doctor was unable to be seen. The company he doctors for sent me to three different associates. I found a back surgeon who told me, “Hey dude, you are not getting better without surgery.” Not exact words.
Surgery was scheduled and then canceled when a blood clot was discovered in my left leg. Three months of meds and finally it is time for back surgery. A clot filter was placed in my chest prior to back surgery.
Back surgery (at least mine) was incredible. I can walk without pain. My story should have been over, except for that pesky blood clot has grown to blood clots. The clots are preventing me from walking again as my legs are the size of Indian elephant legs. (More about India later.)
I have been in the hospital fifteen of the last twenty-six days for surgeries, and complications caused by the clots. I will have one more day of outpatient surgery next week, then recovery. Lookin’ forward to that!
While in the hospital I was able to pick up quite a bit of knowledge. One of my night nurses was of Indian descent, not Native American, Indian. She taught me, should I ever go to India (with Elaine) we should go to the mountains, stay away from the cities and go to the mountains. My favorite lesson was the Indian (construction language) lesson. Yep, I know the really good words.
They tell me things will get better. Smiling and laughing isn’t what I’ve been doing lately. Maybe next week. Elaine has been by my side through all of this. I can’t love her enough.
Prayer and yarn orders are gratefully accepted. God Bless you guys. Hit the comment button, I could use a good feeling.
Our crazy lives!
PS Didn't proofread, To exhausting