The Summer That Wasn't
Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? I'm not exactly an old dog but I certainly have learned a few things this summer, and a couple of things I hadn't learned.
I've learned a couple of things about yaks, specifically female yaks. I better start at the beginning. Elaine is happy and excited about the additions to our yak herd that we made this summer. Elaine sees years of yak hair to be spun into the softest of yarn. I have slightly more sinister ideas for the yaks. I see steaks, roasts, and burgers. After all, didn't Elaine name them after fast food. Somehow, Wendy, the female yak got word of my plan. I tried to tell her she has nothing to worry about for a few years. That was when she tried to gore me. No words were going to comfort her, so I did the only thing I could, I punched her. Right in the nose.
I have declared our battle a tie. We have an understanding, if she does not send me to the hospital she will not be invited to a BBQ held in her honor.
Speaking of hospitals, it is time to tie the title of the story to this week's story. For a good piece of this summer, I have been fighting a problem in my back. The doctors have informed me I would benefit from surgery.
Prior to surgery, I would need an MRI. I found that it takes two to five business days to SCHEDULE an MRI. I watched a piece of the summer fly away. After the MRI is scheduled it is three weeks, before the MRI is done, Another piece of summer is gone. When The MRI is complete it will be another week to read it and schedule the surgery. Goodbye summer.
Elaine tells me we can take our road trip next year. It is a milestone year for class reunions for Elaine and I (different schools). I have mixed feelings about attending while hobbling around with a cane and screaming bad construction words when I stand up. But it's a milestone. There are people I would like to see...and people I don't want to see. I'm just being honest.
Oh yeah, while I wait I will "celebrate" my birthday. I had planned to lead a safari in Kenya bringing back fiber animals for Elaine to turn into yarn. Then the plan was to float back home on a raft, but that will need to be next year.
Summer's gone, God Bless, Love ya, Buy Yarn
Our crazy lives!