Vacation and Roosting
Has it really been a week since we were at the Salida Fiber Fest? As far as Fiber Fests go this one was not good. As I have written many times, "In life sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you." I think the bear won this year.
When you commit to a fiber fest/trade show, you must send in your entry fees/booth rental around six months before the event. No one can predict your health, the weather, or any other condition six months down the road. Last year, during the Salida Fiber Fest, I was walking with the aid of crutches. Man, I'm sick of saying that. Moving on. I have convinced Elaine that Trade Shows are kind of like a vacation that "pays" you to take. You know, like sitting in a four-hour presentation to buy a condo in Kenya or someplace for a chance to get away for a while. Don't pay any attention, I don't even know what I'm saying.
Salida Fiber Fest 2022 was nothing more than a vacation. It was bad from the start. I/we started checking the weather report about two weeks before the start. Two weeks ago it looked like there could be a slight chance of rain. Sometimes a little moisture is good for Elaine selling her chill blockers.
We didn't get moisture, we got wind. The wind was so bad it was picking up vendor tents and placing them violently on picnic tables. To make things worse the organizers of the event did not allow vendor tents to be staked to the ground on the one chance in a million that a stake would damage the sprinkler system. When tents started flying I may or may not have broken that rule.
Vendors were using anything and everything to hold their tents to the ground. One lucky vendor had a nearby tree to tie his tent to. During the event, displays were flying out of tents. Vendors would literally hang onto tent legs in hope of keeping the tent on the ground.
Organizers sent out a text alert that vendors might want to come back to the park after the first night to see if your tent was still there. Needless to say, the wind might have affected sales.
As I set all of that aside, it was a great weekend. The Salida Fiber Fest coincided with the 2nd Annual Elaine's family Salida reunion. Elaine's family has strong ties to Salida. Elaine's sister was born in Salida. Their father had an automobile repair business in Salida back in the day. Their family owned a flower shop downtown, years ago. And not to be outdone, my dad worked on a crew that built the highway into Salida, but I don't share that info with everyone.
It was a great weekend. The family, the restaurants, the scenery, and even the adventure of the wind. can't wait until next year. However, before next year is the Taos Wool Festival, which is strangely held in Santa Fe.
We will be vacationing in Santa Fe, New Mexico during the first weekend of October. With any luck, Elaine will be able to subsidize all or part of our vacation. We have goods left over from Salida, which is great because Elaine won't need to work as hard between the festivals to replenish stock.
OK, that's enough of that. I was recently asked a question by Ivy that will show how out of control I am in my own life.
Ivy: Monner, what is the name of the first guy to climb Mt. Everest? Me: Sir Edmund Hillary gets the credit
Ivy: What was the name of the other guy?
Me: Tenzing Norgay
Elaine: I can't believe you know that Me: I can't believe you guys don't. Why are you asking that?
Ivy: The turkeys like to roost as high as they can, I think we should name them Edmund and Tenzing
Me: That's ridiculous Ivy: What do you want to name them?
Me: Butterball and Hickory Farms
Elaine: We are not eating the turkeys
Honestly, these are some weird birds. They follow me around the yard with the guineas following the turkeys. I'm like the Pied Piper of Poultry. They don't know I want to eat them, but they do know Elaine won't let it happen.
Sales in the store were pretty good this week. Thank you. If you read this crap and like it, share it with your friends. God bless you guys. Stay safe.
Our crazy lives!