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Was it Popcorn, or Beervirus?

The time is near. Your Daily Fiber (brick and mortar) closes in six days. It is kind of emotional, not so much for me, but for Ivy and Elaine. We’ve had bunches of customers come in to say good-bye. Not to me, mostly to Ivy.

There was a day that I went into the store after a long, arduous, physically taxing, mind-draining day on the construction site, I walked into the store to find Ivy and a customer with tears streaming down their faces. Well, I can’t really say if tears were streaming down there faces, tears were streaming down to the top of their masks. Where the tears went from there is anyone’s guess. I’m sure there would have been a hug, had it not been for that (construction language) beervirus.

I would appreciate if you didn’t mention this to Ivy, but I was going to tear up myself, so I turned and walked away.

Here’s a quick beervirus, saying good-bye story. Again, Ivy and I were in the store (after one of my incredibly important construction days), when a long-time very loyal customer came in. This person (lady) means the world to Ivy and Your Daily Fiber. As luck would have it, I had just finished a package of 100 calorie, microwave popcorn. You know, sometimes popcorn has those tiny paper like things that cover the unpopped kernels. (Spell check says unpopped is not a word. Stupid spell check.) I had one of those kernel things stuck somewhere in the top of my throat. Susan walked in and I thought, “Oh no!” I pulled up my $19.99 mask (which sometimes I don’t) and started coughing. Under my mask. I tried to suppress the cough. The tickle my throat was unbearable and uncontrollable. The coughing continued, Ivy was staring at me. I went to the back of the store where I was away from Susan and Ivy. There was no way I wanted to pass popcornvirus to Ivy or a customer. I blame the beervirus environment, people don’t tolerate coughing (or sneezing).

I can’t say for sure, that I shortened the time of saying of good-byes, or kept it from getting emotional, however, I’m pretty sure I canceled the hugs. Ivy (my lovely daughter and always my champion) looked at me and said, “You know she thinks you have beervirus.”

The preparation for our change is going quite well. We have set up two wind and waterproof storage containers at the ranch. Some of you have asked how we will keep the yarn mice proof. Hard plastic tubs in the wind and waterproof containers. No one has asked how we keep the yarn bear proof. Rest assured, if a bear gets in the storage containers he/she/them can have the yarn. Luckily, we’ve only had one bear on our deck in 17 years, and it was a baby.

It has been amazing how people have offered places to continue classes. We will get that organized soon. Wild West Knitting Retreat 2021 will NOT take place on Labor Day Weekend. We have the dates and particulars in a couple of months.

We will need some time to organize, but Elaine and Ivy plan on hosting seminars at the house. While learning to or sharpening your skills in knitting or weaving, you will be able to watch me lift heavy ranch/farm stuff and maybe drive a skid steer tractor.

For those of you that have asked, the fires are a concern for us. The Cameron Peak fire would need to burn through some defensible areas before it would become a problem for us. The Mullen Fire (Wyoming) is many days away, but it is conceivable that it could become a problem. (Yes, we are that close to Wyoming.)

Beervirus didn’t kill the business, it just changed it. We are going to be fine. With your help, we are going to be great again.

I’ve been asked if I will continue with Monner’s Mumblings. I’ve given that some thought. I’ve been doing this for ten years. It wasn’t always on Sunday. Monner’s Mumblings started on Wednesday nights. I’ve decided, if you keep laughing and sometimes crying with me, I’ll keep going. The truth is I like doing it. I don’t mind you guys commenting, let’s me know you’re out there.

BTW- I have a cousin. You’re right, I have many cousins, however, I have only one male cousin my age. This cousin is involved in medical research (some of it has been funded by that computer guy), his wife is an anesthi…. (Oh, construction language, one of those doctors that put you asleep during surgery). He called me yesterday, to tell me he had recovered from beervirus. His wife didn’t get beervirus. He said they stayed away from each other. (Helps if you have a big house.) He tells me he was uncomfortable and never feverish. No hospitalization.

My point is, there are better days coming. Have faith.

God Bless

Our crazy lives!




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